kat jaa-ee-ai ray ghar laago rang
rwmwn�d jI Gru 1 (1195-11)raamaanand jee ghar 1 Raamaanand Jee, First House: |
kq jweIAY ry Gr lwgo rMgu ] myrw icqu n clY mnu BieE pMgu ]1] rhwau ] My consciousness does not go out wandering. My mind has become crippled. ||1||Pause|| eyk idvs mn BeI aumMg ] One day, a desire welled up in my mind. Gis cMdn coAw bhu sugMD ] I ground up sandalwood, along with several fragrant oils. pUjn cwlI bRhm Twie ] I went to God's place, and worshipped Him there. so bRhmu bqwieE gur mn hI mwih ]1] That God showed me the Guru, within my own mind. ||1|| jhw jweIAY qh jl pKwn ] Wherever I go, I find water and stones. qU pUir rihE hY sB smwn ] You are totally pervading and permeating in all. byd purwn sB dyKy joie ] I have searched through all the Vedas and the Puraanas. aUhW qau jweIAY jau eIhW n hoie ]2] I would go there, only if the Lord were not here. ||2|| siqgur mY bilhwrI qor ] I am a sacrifice to You, O my True Guru. ijin skl ibkl BRm kwty mor ] You have cut through all my confusion and doubt. rwmwn�d suAwmI rmq bRhm ] Raamaanand's Lord and Master is the All-pervading Lord God. gur kw sbdu kwtY koit krm ]3]1] The Word of the Guru's Shabad eradicates the karma of millions of past actions. ||3||1|| |