har har naam japahu nit paraanee
gauVI mhlw 5 ] (192-16)ga-orhee mehlaa 5. Gauree, Fifth Mehl: |
kx ibnw jYsy QoQr quKw ] nwm ibhUn sUny sy muKw ]1] so is the mouth empty without the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1|| hir hir nwmu jphu inq pRwxI ] O mortal, chant continually the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. nwm ibhUn iDRgu dyh ibgwnI ]1] rhwau ] Without the Naam, cursed is the body, which shall be taken back by Death. ||1||Pause|| nwm ibnw nwhI muiK Bwgu ] Without the Naam, no one's face shows good fortune. Brq ibhUn khw sohwgu ]2] Without the Husband, where is the marriage? ||2|| nwmu ibswir lgY An suAwie ] Forgetting the Naam, and attached to other tastes, qw kI Aws n pUjY kwie ]3] no desires are fulfilled. ||3|| kir ikrpw pRB ApnI dwiq ] O God, grant Your Grace, and give me this gift. nwnk nwmu jpY idn rwiq ]4]65]134] Please, let Nanak chant Your Name, day and night. ||4||65||134|| |