kahaa man bikhi-aa si-o laptaahee
swrMg mhlw 9 ] (1231-11)saarang mehlaa 9. Todee, Fifth Mehl: |
khw mn ibiKAw isau lptwhI ] Xw jg mih koaU rhnu n pwvY ieik Awvih ieik jwhI ]1] rhwau ] No one is allowed to remain in this world; one comes, and another departs. ||1||Pause|| kW ko qnu Dnu sMpiq kW kI kw isau nyhu lgwhI ] Who has a body? Who has wealth and property? With whom should we fall in love? jo dIsY so sgl ibnwsY ijau bwdr kI CwhI ]1] Whatever is seen, shall all disappear, like the shade of a passing cloud. ||1|| qij AiBmwnu srix sMqn ghu mukiq hoih iCn mwhI ] Abandon egotism, and grasp the Sanctuary of the Saints; you shall be liberated in an instant. jn nwnk BgvMq Bjn ibnu suKu supnY BI nwhI ]2]2] O servant Nanak, without meditating and vibrating on the Lord God, there is no peace, even in dreams. ||2||2|| |