patit pavit bha-ay raam kahat hee

tofI nwmdyv jIau ] (718-13)
todee naamdayv jee-o.
Todee Naam Dayv Jee-o:

kaun ko kl�ku rihE rwm nwmu lyq hI ]
ka-un ko kalank rahi-o raam naam layt hee.
Whose blemishes remain, when one chants the Lord's Name?

piqq pivq Bey rwmu khq hI ]1] rhwau ]
patit pavit bha-ay raam kahat hee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Sinners become pure, chanting the Lord's Name. ||1||Pause||

rwm sMig nwmdyv jn kau pRqigAw AweI ]
raam sang naamdayv jan ka-o partagi-aa aa-ee.
With the Lord, servant Naam Dayv has come to have faith.

eykwdsI bRqu rhY kwhy kau qIrQ jwe^ØI ]1]
aykaadasee barat rahai kaahay ka-o tirath jaa-eeN. ||1||
I have stopped fasting on the eleventh day of each month; why should I bother to go on pilgrimages to sacred shrines? ||1||

Bniq nwmdyau suik®q sumiq Bey ]
bhanat naamday-o sukarit sumat bha-ay.
Prays Naam Dayv, I have become a man of good deeds and good thoughts.

gurmiq rwmu kih ko ko n bYkuMiT gey ]2]2]
gurmat raam kahi ko ko na baikunth ga-ay. ||2||2||
Chanting the Lord's Name, under Guru's Instructions, who has not gone to heaven? ||2||2||