kanchnaa baho dat karaa
swrg mhlw 5 ] (1229-14)saarag mehlaa 5. Saarang, Fifth Mehl: |
kMcnw bhu dq krw ] BUim dwnu Arip Drw ] and give away land in charity mn Aink soc pivqR krq ] and purify your mind in various ways, nwhI ry nwm quil mn crn kml lwgy ]1] rhwau ] but none of this is equal to the Lord's Name. Remain attached to the Lord's Lotus Feet. ||1||Pause|| cwir byd ijhv Bny ] You may recite the four Vedas with your tongue, ds Ast Kst sRvn suny ] and listen to the eighteen Puraanas and the six Shaastras with your ears, nhI quil goibd nwm Duny ] but these are not equal to the celestial melody of the Naam, the Name of the Lord of the Universe. mn crn kml lwgy ]1] Remain attached to the Lord's Lotus Feet. ||1|| brq sMiD soc cwr ] You may observe fasts, and say your prayers, purify yourself ik®Aw kuMit inrwhwr ] and do good deeds; you may go on pilgrimages everywhere and eat nothing at all. Aprs krq pwkswr ] You may cook your food without touching anyone; invlI krm bhu ibsQwr ] you may make a great show of cleansing techniques, DUp dIp krqy hir nwm quil n lwgy ] and burn incense and devotional lamps, but none of these are equal to the Lord's Name. rwm dieAwr suin dIn bynqI ] O Merciful Lord, please hear the prayer of the meek and the poor. dyhu drsu nYn pyKau jn nwnk nwm imst lwgy ]2]2]131] Please grant me the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, that I may see You with my eyes. The Naam is so sweet to servant Nanak. ||2||2||131|| |