man mayray mayraa raam naam sakhaa har bhaa-ee
gUjrI mhlw 4 (493-10)goojree mehlaa 4 Goojaree, Fourth Mehl |
hohu dieAwl myrw mnu lwvhu hau Anidnu rwm nwmu inq iDAweI ] siB suK siB gux siB inDwn hir ijqu jipAY duK BuK sB lih jweI ]1] The Lord is all peace, all virtue and all wealth; remembering Him, all misery and hunger depart. ||1|| mn myry myrw rwm nwmu sKw hir BweI ] O my mind, the Lord's Name is my companion and brother. gurmiq rwm nwmu jsu gwvw AMiq bylI drgh ley CfweI ]1] rhwau ] Under Guru's Instruction, I sing the Praises of the Lord's Name; it shall be my help and support in the end, and it shall deliver me in the Court of the Lord. ||1||Pause|| qUM Awpy dwqw pRBu AMqrjwmI kir ikrpw loc myrY min lweI ] You Yourself are the Giver, O God, Inner-knower, Searcher of hearts; by Your Grace, You have infused longing for You in my mind. mY min qin loc lgI hir syqI pRiB loc pUrI siqgur srxweI ]2] My mind and body long for the Lord; God has fulfilled my longing. I have entered the Sanctuary of the True Guru. ||2|| mwxs jnmu puMin kir pwieAw ibnu nwvY iDRgu iDRgu ibrQw jweI ] Human birth is obtained through good actions; without the Name, it is cursed, totally cursed, and it passes away in vain. nwm ibnw rs ks duKu KwvY muKu PIkw Quk QUk muiK pweI ]3] Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, one obtains only suffering for his delicacies to eat. His mouth is insipid, and his face is spat upon, again and again. ||3|| jo jn hir pRB hir hir srxw iqn drgh hir hir dy vifAweI ] Those humble beings, who have entered the Sanctuary of the Lord God, Har, Har, are blessed with glory in the Court of the Lord, Har, Har. DMnu DMnu swbwis khY pRBu jn kau jn nwnk myil ley gil lweI ]4]4] Blessed, blessed and congratulations, says God to His humble servant. O servant Nanak, He embraces him, and blends him with Himself. ||4||4|| |