hai naahee ko-oo boojhanhaaro jaanai kavan bhataa
gUjrI mhlw 5 (498-8)goojree mehlaa 5 Goojaree, Fifth Mehl |
hY nwhI koaU bUJnhwro jwnY kvnu Bqw ] isv ibrMic Aru sgl moin jn gih n skwih gqw ]1] Shiva, Brahma and all the silent sages cannot understand the state of the Lord. ||1|| pRB kI Agm AgwiD kQw ] God's sermon is profound and unfathomable. sunIAY Avr Avr ibiD buJIAY bkn kQn rhqw ]1] rhwau ] He is heard to be one thing, but He is understood to be something else again; He is beyond description and explanation. ||1||Pause|| Awpy Bgqw Awip suAwmI Awpn sMig rqw ] He Himself is the devotee, and He Himself is the Lord and Master; He is imbued with Himself. nwnk ko pRBu pUir rihE hY pyiKE jqR kqw ]2]2]11] Nanak's God is pervading and permeating everywhere; wherever he looks, He is there. ||2||2||11|| |