har raam raam raam raamaa
gauVI mwJ mhlw 5 ] (218-9)ga-orhee maajh mehlaa 5. Gauree Maajh, Fifth Mehl: |
hir rwm rwm rwm rwmw ] jip pUrn hoey kwmw ]1] rhwau ] meditating on Him, all affairs are resolved. ||1||Pause|| rwm goibMd jpyidAw hoAw muKu pivqRü ] Chanting the Name of the Lord of the Universe, one's mouth is sanctified. hir jsu suxIAY ijs qy soeI BweI imqRü ]1] One who recites to me the Praises of the Lord is my friend and brother. ||1|| siB pdwrQ siB Plw srb guxw ijsu mwih ] All treasures, all rewards and all virtues are in the Lord of the Universe. ikau goibMdu mnhu ivswrIAY ijsu ismrq duK jwih ]2] Why forget Him from your mind? Remembering Him in meditation, pain departs. ||2|| ijsu liV ligAY jIvIAY Bvjlu peIAY pwir ] Grasping the hem of His robe, we live, and cross over the terrifying world-ocean. imil swDU sMig auDwru hoie muK aUjl drbwir ]3] Joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, one is saved, and one's face becomes radiant in the Court of the Lord. ||3|| jIvn rUp gopwl jsu sMq jnw kI rwis ] The Praise of the Sustainer of the Universe is the essence of life, and the wealth of His Saints. nwnk aubry nwmu jip dir scY swbwis ]4]3]171] Nanak is saved, chanting the Naam, the Name of the Lord; in the True Court, he is cheered and applauded. ||4||3||171|| |