har raam raam raam raamaa

gauVI mwJ mhlw 5 ] (218-9)
ga-orhee maajh mehlaa 5.
Gauree Maajh, Fifth Mehl:

hir rwm rwm rwm rwmw ]
har raam raam raam raamaa.
The Lord, the Lord, Raam, Raam, Raam:

jip pUrn hoey kwmw ]1] rhwau ]
jap pooran ho-ay kaamaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
meditating on Him, all affairs are resolved. ||1||Pause||

rwm goibMd jpyidAw hoAw muKu pivqRü ]
raam gobind japaydi-aa ho-aa mukh pavitar.
Chanting the Name of the Lord of the Universe, one's mouth is sanctified.

hir jsu suxIAY ijs qy soeI BweI imqRü ]1]
har jas sunee-ai jis tay so-ee bhaa-ee mitar. ||1||
One who recites to me the Praises of the Lord is my friend and brother. ||1||

siB pdwrQ siB Plw srb guxw ijsu mwih ]
sabh padaarath sabh falaa sarab gunaa jis maahi.
All treasures, all rewards and all virtues are in the Lord of the Universe.

ikau goibMdu mnhu ivswrIAY ijsu ismrq duK jwih ]2]
ki-o gobind manhu visaaree-ai jis simrat dukh jaahi. ||2||
Why forget Him from your mind? Remembering Him in meditation, pain departs. ||2||

ijsu liV ligAY jIvIAY Bvjlu peIAY pwir ]
jis larh lagi-ai jeevee-ai bhavjal pa-ee-ai paar.
Grasping the hem of His robe, we live, and cross over the terrifying world-ocean.

imil swDU sMig auDwru hoie muK aUjl drbwir ]3]
mil saaDhoo sang uDhaar ho-ay mukh oojal darbaar. ||3||
Joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, one is saved, and one's face becomes radiant in the Court of the Lord. ||3||

jIvn rUp gopwl jsu sMq jnw kI rwis ]
jeevan roop gopaal jas sant janaa kee raas.
The Praise of the Sustainer of the Universe is the essence of life, and the wealth of His Saints.

nwnk aubry nwmu jip dir scY swbwis ]4]3]171]
naanak ubray naam jap dar sachai saabaas. ||4||3||171||
Nanak is saved, chanting the Naam, the Name of the Lord; in the True Court, he is cheered and applauded. ||4||3||171||