har ras peevat sad hee raataa
Awsw mhlw 5 iqpdy 2 ] (377-10)aasaa mehlaa 5 tipday 2. Aasaa, Fifth Mehl, Ti-Padas: |
hir rsu pIvq sd hI rwqw ] Awn rsw iKn mih lih jwqw ] while other essences wear off in an instant. hir rs ky mwqy min sdw An�d ] Intoxicated with the Lord's sublime essence, the mind is forever in ecstasy. Awn rsw mih ivAwpY icMd ]1] Other essences bring only anxiety. ||1|| hir rsu pIvY Almsqu mqvwrw ] One who drinks in the Lord's sublime essence, is intoxicated and enraptured; Awn rsw siB hoCy ry ]1] rhwau ] all other essences have no effect. ||1||Pause|| hir rs kI kImiq khI n jwie ] The value of the Lord's sublime essence cannot be described. hir rsu swDU hwit smwie ] The Lord's sublime essence permeates the homes of the Holy. lwK krorI imlY n kyh ] One may spend thousands and millions, but it cannot be purchased. ijsih prwpiq iqs hI dyih ]2] He alone obtains it, who is so pre-ordained. ||2|| nwnk cwiK Bey ibsmwdu ] Tasting it, Nanak is wonder-struck. nwnk gur qy AwieAw swdu ] Through the Guru, Nanak has obtained this taste. eIq aUq kq Coif n jwie ] Here and hereafter, it does not leave him. nwnk gIDw hir rs mwih ]3]27] Nanak is imbued and enraptured with the Lord's subtle essence. ||3||27|| |