kathaa puraatan i-o sunee bhagtan kee baanee
iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] (815-1)bilaaval mehlaa 5. Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl: |
hir Bgqw kw Awsrw An nwhI Twau ] qwxu dIbwxu prvwr Dnu pRB qyrw nwau ]1] O God, Your Name is my power, realm, relatives and riches. ||1|| kir ikrpw pRiB AwpxI Apny dws riK lIey ] God has granted His Mercy, and saved His slaves. inMdk inMdw kir pcy jmkwil gRsIey ]1] rhwau ] The slanderers rot in their slander; they are seized by the Messenger of Death. ||1||Pause|| sMqw eyku iDAwvnw dUsr ko nwih ] The Saints meditate on the One Lord, and no other. eyksu AwgY bynqI rivAw sRb Qwie ]2] They offer their prayers to the One Lord, who is pervading and permeating all places. ||2|| kQw purwqn ieau suxI Bgqn kI bwnI ] I have heard this old story, spoken by the devotees, sgl dust KMf KMf kIey jn lIey mwnI ]3] that all the wicked are cut apart into pieces, while His humble servants are blessed with honor. ||3|| siq bcn nwnku khY prgt sB mwih ] Nanak speaks the true words, which are obvious to all. pRB ky syvk srix pRB iqn kau Bau nwih ]4]26]56] God's servants are under God's Protection; they have absolutely no fear. ||4||26||56|| |