har bin reh na sakai man mayraa
rwgu tofI mhlw 4 Gru 1 ] (711-4)raag todee mehlaa 4 Raag Todee, Chau-Padas, Fourth Mehl, First House: |
hir ibnu rih n skY mnu myrw ] myry pRIqm pRwn hir pRBu guru myly bhuir n Bvjil Pyrw ]1] rhwau ] If the Guru unites me with my Beloved Lord God, my breath of life, then I shall not have to face the wheel of reincarnation again in the terrifying world-ocean. ||1||Pause|| myrY hIArY loc lgI pRB kyrI hir nYnhu hir pRB hyrw ] My heart is gripped by a yearning for my Lord God, and with my eyes, I behold my Lord God. siqguir dieAwil hir nwmu idRVwieAw hir pwDru hir pRB kyrw ]1] The merciful True Guru has implanted the Name of the Lord within me; this is the Path leading to my Lord God. ||1|| hir rMgI hir nwmu pRB pwieAw hir goivMd hir pRB kyrw ] Through the Lord's Love, I have found the Naam, the Name of my Lord God, the Lord of the Universe, the Lord my God. hir ihrdY min qin mITw lwgw muiK msqik Bwgu cMgyrw ]2] The Lord seems so very sweet to my heart, mind and body; upon my face, upon my forehead, my good destiny is inscribed. ||2|| loB ivkwr ijnw mnu lwgw hir ivsirAw purKu cMgyrw ] Those whose minds are attached to greed and corruption forget the Lord, the good Lord God. Eie mnmuK mUV AigAwnI khIAih iqn msqik Bwgu mMdyrw ]3] Those self-willed manmukhs are called foolish and ignorant; misfortune and bad destiny are written on their foreheads. ||3|| ibbyk buiD siqgur qy pweI gur igAwnu gurU pRB kyrw ] From the True Guru, I have obtained a discriminating intellect; the Guru has revealed the spiritual wisdom of God. jn nwnk nwmu gurU qy pwieAw Duir msqik Bwgu ilKyrw ]4]1] Servant Nanak has obtained the Naam from the Guru; such is the destiny inscribed upon his forehead. ||4||1|| |