har bin avar kir-aa birthay
gauVI mwlw mhlw 5 ] (216-4)ga-orhee maalaa mehlaa 5. Gauree Maalaa, Fifth Mehl: |
hir ibnu Avr ik®Aw ibrQy ] jp qp sMjm krm kmwxy ieih ErY mUsy ]1] rhwau ] Meditative chants, intense deep meditation, austere self-discipline and rituals - these are plundered in this world. ||1||Pause|| brq nym sMjm mih rhqw iqn kw AwFu n pwieAw ] Fasting, daily rituals, and austere self-discipline - those who keep the practice of these, are rewarded with less than a shell. AwgY clxu Aauru hY BweI aUNhw kwim n AwieAw ]1] Hereafter, the way is different, O Siblings of Destiny. There, these things are of no use at all. ||1|| qIriQ nwie Aru DrnI BRmqw AwgY Taur n pwvY ] Those who bathe at sacred shrines of pilgrimage, and wander over the earth, find no place of rest hereafter. aUhw kwim n AwvY ieh ibiD Ehu logn hI pqIAwvY ]2] There, these are of no use at all. By these things, they only please other people. ||2|| cqur byd muK bcnI aucrY AwgY mhlu n pweIAY ] Reciting the four Vedas from memory, they do not obtain the Mansion of the Lord's Presence hereafter. bUJY nwhI eyku suDwKru Ehu sglI JwK JKweIAY ]3] Those who do not understand the One Pure Word, utter total nonsense. ||3|| nwnku khqo iehu bIcwrw ij kmwvY su pwr grwmI ] Nanak voices this opinion: those who practice it, swim across. guru syvhu Aru nwmu iDAwvhu iqAwghu mnhu gumwnI ]4]6]164] Serve the Guru, and meditate on the Naam; renounce the egotistical pride from your mind. ||4||6||164|| |