aas pi-aasee chitva-o din rainee hai ko-ee sant milaavai nayraa
gauVI mhlw 5 ] (204-13)ga-orhee mehlaa 5. Gauree, Fifth Mehl: |
hir pyKn kau ismrq mnu myrw ] Aws ipAwsI icqvau idnu rYnI hY koeI sMqu imlwvY nyrw ]1] rhwau ] I think of Him, I hope and thirst for Him, day and night; is there any Saint who may bring Him near me? ||1||Pause|| syvw krau dws dwsn kI Aink BWiq iqsu krau inhorw ] I serve the slaves of His slaves; in so many ways, I beg of Him. qulw Dwir qoly suK sgly ibnu hir drs sBo hI Qorw ]1] Setting them upon the scale, I have weighed all comforts and pleasures; without the Lord's Blessed Vision, they are all totally inadequate. ||1|| sMq pRswid gwey gun swgr jnm jnm ko jwq bhorw ] By the Grace of the Saints, I sing the Praises of the Ocean of virtue; after countless incarnations, I have been released. Awnd sUK Bytq hir nwnk jnmu ik®qwrQu sPlu svyrw ]2]4]121] Meeting the Lord, Nanak has found peace and bliss; his life is redeemed, and prosperity dawns for him. ||2||4||121|| |