man japee-ai har jagdees
DnwsrI mhlw 4 ] (669-5)Dhanaasree mehlaa 4. Dhanaasaree, Fourth Mehl: |
hir pVu hir ilKu hir jip hir gwau hir Baujlu pwir auqwrI ] min bcin irdY iDAwie hir hoie sMqustu iev Bxu hir nwmu murwrI ]1] In your mind, by your words, and within your heart, meditate on the Lord, and He will be pleased. In this way, repeat the Name of the Lord. ||1|| min jpIAY hir jgdIs ] O mind, meditate on the Lord, the Lord of the World. imil sMgiq swDU mIq ] Join the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, O friend. sdw An�du hovY idnu rwqI hir kIriq kir bnvwrI ] rhwau ] You shall be happy forever, day and night; sing the Praises of the Lord, the Lord of the world-forest. ||Pause|| hir hir krI idRsit qb BieE min audmu hir hir nwmu jipE giq BeI hmwrI ] When the Lord, Har, Har, casts His Glance of Grace, then I made the effort in my mind; meditating on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, I have been emancipated. jn nwnk kI piq rwKu myry suAwmI hir Awie pirE hY srix qumwrI ]2]3]9] Preserve the honor of servant Nanak, O my Lord and Master; I have come seeking Your Sanctuary. ||2||3||9|| |