mayray man har raam naam kar rany

sUhI mhlw 4(731-19)
soohee mehlaa 4
Soohee, Fourth Mehl

hir nwmw hir rM|u hY hir rM|u mjITY rM|u ]
har naamaa har rany hai har rany majeethai rany.
The Lord's Name is the Love of the Lord. The Lord's Love is the permanent color.

guir quTY hir rMgu cwiVAw iPir bhuiV n hovI BM|u ]1]
gur tuthai har rang chaarhi-aa fir bahurh na hovee bhany. ||1||
When the Guru is totally satisfied and pleased, He colors us with the Lord's Love; this color shall never fade away. ||1||

myry mn hir rwm nwim kir rM|u ]
mayray man har raam naam kar rany.
O my mind, enshrine love for the Name of the Lord.

guir quTY hir aupdyisAw hir ByitAw rwau insM|u ]1] rhwau ]
gur tuthai har updaysi-aa har bhayti-aa raa-o nisany. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Guru, satisfied and pleased, taught me about the Lord, and my Sovereign Lord King met with me at once. ||1||Pause||

muMD ieAwxI mnmuKI iPir Awvx jwxw AM|u ]
munDh i-aanee manmukhee fir aavan jaanaa any.
The self-willed manmukh is like the ignorant bride, who comes and goes again and again in reincarnation.

hir pRBu iciq n AwieE min dUjw Bwau shl�|u ]2]
har parabh chit na aa-i-o man doojaa bhaa-o sahlanny. ||2||
The Lord God does not come into her consciousness, and her mind is stuck in the love of duality. ||2||

hm mYlu Bry duhcwrIAw hir rwKhu AMgI AM|u ]
ham mail bharay duhchaaree-aa har raakho angee any.
I am full of filth, and I practice evil deeds; O Lord, save me, be with me, merge me into Your Being!

guir AMimRq sir nvlwieAw siB lwQy iklivK pM|u ]3]
gur amrit sar navlaa-i-aa sabh laathay kilvikh pany. ||3||
The Guru has bathed me in the pool of Ambrosial Nectar, and all my dirty sins and mistakes have been washed away. ||3||

hir dInw dIn dieAwl pRBu sqsMgiq mylhu sM|u ]
har deenaa deen da-i-aal parabh satsangat maylhu sany.
O Lord God, Merciful to the meek and the poor, please unite me with the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation.

imil sMgiq hir rMgu pwieAw jn nwnk min qin rM|u ]4]3]
mil sangat har rang paa-i-aa jan naanak man tan rany. ||4||3||
Joining the Sangat, servant Nanak has obtained the Lord's Love; my mind and body are drenched in it. ||4||3||