har naam Dhan nirmal at apaaraa

DnwsrI mhlw 3 (664-1)
Dhanaasree mehlaa 3
Dhanaasaree, Third Mehl

hir nwmu Dnu inrmlu Aiq Apwrw ]
har naam Dhan nirmal at apaaraa.
The wealth of the Lord's Name is immaculate, and absolutely infinite.

gur kY sbid Bry BMfwrw ]
gur kai sabad bharay bhandaaraa.
The Word of the Guru's Shabad is over-flowing with treasure.

nwm Dn ibnu hor sB ibKu jwxu ]
naam Dhan bin hor sabh bikh jaan.
Know that, except for the wealth of the Name, all other wealth is poison.

mwieAw moih jlY AiBmwnu ]1]
maa-i-aa mohi jalai abhimaan. ||1||
The egotistical people are burning in their attachment to Maya. ||1||

gurmuiK hir rsu cwKY koie ]
gurmukh har ras chaakhai ko-ay.
How rare is that Gurmukh who tastes the sublime essence of the Lord.

iqsu sdw An�du hovY idnu rwqI pUrY Bwig prwpiq hoie ] rhwau ]
tis sadaa anand hovai din raatee poorai bhaag paraapat ho-ay. rahaa-o.
He is always in bliss, day and night; through perfect good destiny, he obtains the Name. ||Pause||

sbdu dIpku vrqY iqhu loie ]
sabad deepak vartai tihu lo-ay.
The Word of the Shabad is a lamp, illuminating the three worlds.

jo cwKY so inrmlu hoie ]
jo chaakhai so nirmal ho-ay.
One who tastes it, becomes immaculate.

inrml nwim haumY mlu Doie ]
nirmal naam ha-umai mal Dho-ay.
The immaculate Naam, the Name of the Lord, washes off the filth of ego.

swcI Bgiq sdw suKu hoie ]2]
saachee bhagat sadaa sukh ho-ay. ||2||
True devotional worship brings lasting peace. ||2||

ijin hir rsu cwiKAw so hir jnu logu ]
jin har ras chaakhi-aa so har jan log.
One who tastes the sublime essence of the Lord is the Lord's humble servant.

iqsu sdw hrKu nwhI kdy sogu ]
tis sadaa harakh naahee kaday sog.
He is forever happy; he is never sad.

Awip mukqu Avrw mukqu krwvY ]
aap mukat avraa mukat karaavai.
He himself is liberated, and he liberates others as well.

hir nwmu jpY hir qy suKu pwvY ]3]
har naam japai har tay sukh paavai. ||3||
He chants the Lord's Name, and through the Lord, he finds peace. ||3||

ibnu siqgur sB mueI ibllwie ]
bin satgur sabh mu-ee billaa-ay.
Without the True Guru, everyone dies, crying out in pain.

Anidnu dwJih swiq n pwie ]
an-din daajheh saat na paa-ay.
Night and day, they burn, and find no peace.

siqguru imlY sBu iqRsn buJwey ]
satgur milai sabh tarisan bujhaa-ay.
But meeting the True Guru, all thirst is quenched.

nwnk nwim sWiq suKu pwey ]4]2]
naanak naam saaNt sukh paa-ay. ||4||2||
O Nanak, through the Naam, one finds peace and tranquility. ||4||2||