har jan raam raam raam Dhi-aaN-ay
swrg mhlw 5 (1208-16)saarag mehlaa 5 Saarang, Fifth Mehl |
hir jn rwm rwm rwm iDAWey ] eyk plk suK swD smwgm koit bYkuMTh pWey ]1] rhwau ] One who enjoys peace in the Company of the Holy, even for an instant, obtains millions of heavenly paradises. ||1||Pause|| dulB dyh jip hoq punIqw jm kI qRws invwrY ] This human body, so difficult to obtain, is sanctified by meditating on the Lord. It takes away the fear of death. mhw piqq ky pwiqk auqrih hir nwmw auir DwrY ]1] Even the sins of terrible sinners are washed away, by cherishing the Lord's Name within the heart. ||1|| jo jo sunY rwm jsu inrml qw kw jnm mrx duKu nwsw ] Whoever listens to the Immaculate Praises of the Lord - his pains of birth and death are dispelled. khu nwnk pweIAY vfBwg^ØI mn qn hoie ibgwsw ]2]4]23] Says Nanak, the Lord is found by great good fortune, and then the mind and body blossom forth. ||2||4||23|| |