har jan chhodi-aa saglaa aap
swrg mhlw 5 (1217-17)saarag mehlaa 5 Saarang, Fifth Mehl |
hir jn CoifAw sglw Awpu ] ijau jwnhu iqau rKhu gusweI pyiK jIvW prqwpu ]1] rhwau ] As You see fit, You save us, O Lord of the World. Beholding Your Glorious Grandeur, I live. ||1||Pause|| gur aupdyis swD kI sMgiq ibnisE sgl sMqwpu ] Through the Guru's Instruction, and the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, all sorrow and suffering is taken away. imqR sqR pyiK smqu bIcwirE sgl sMBwKn jwpu ]1] I look upon friend and enemy alike; all that I speak is the Lord's meditation. ||1|| qpiq buJI sIql AwGwny suin Anhd ibsm Bey ibsmwd ] The fire within me is quenched; I am cool, calm and tranquil. Hearing the unstruck celestial melody, I am wonder-struck and amazed. Andu BieAw nwnk min swcw pUrn pUry nwd ]2]46]69] I am in ecstasy, O Nanak, and my mind is filled with Truth, through the perfect perfection of the Sound-current of the Naad. ||2||46||69|| |