har jas gaavhu bhagvaan
kwnVw mhlw 4 (1297-18)kaanrhaa mehlaa 4 Kaanraa, Fourth Mehl |
hir jsu gwvhu Bgvwn ] jsu gwvq pwp lhwn ] Singing His Praises, sins are washed away. miq gurmiq suin jsu kwn ] Through the Word of the Guru's Teachings, listen to His Praises with your ears. hir ho ho ikrpwn ]1] rhwau ] The Lord shall be Merciful to you. ||1||Pause|| qyry jn iDAwvih iek min iek iciq qy swDU suK pwvih jip hir hir nwmu inDwn ] Your humble servants focus their consciousness and meditate on You with one-pointed mind; those Holy beings find peace, chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, the Treasure of Bliss. ausqiq krih pRB qyrIAw imil swDU swD jnw gur siqgurU Bgvwn ]1] They sing Your Praises, God, meeting with the Holy, the Holy people, and the Guru, the True Guru, O Lord God. ||1|| ijn kY ihrdY qU suAwmI qy suK Pl pwvih qy qry Bv isMDu qy Bgq hir jwn ] They alone obtain the fruit of peace, within whose hearts You, O my Lord and Master, abide. They cross over the terrifying world-ocean - they are known as the Lord's devotees. iqn syvw hm lwie hry hm lwie hry jn nwnk ky hir qU qU qU qU qU Bgvwn ]2]6]12] Please enjoin me to their service, Lord, please enjoin me to their service. O Lord God, You, You, You, You, You are the Lord of servant Nanak. ||2||6||12|| |