har jas suneh na har gun gaavahi
gauVI cyqI (332-4)ga-orhee chaytee Gauree Chaytee |
hir jsu sunih n hir gun gwvih ] bwqn hI Asmwnu igrwvih ]1] but they try to bring down the sky with their talk. ||1|| AYsy logn isau ikAw khIAY ] What can anyone say to such people? jo pRB kIey Bgiq qy bwhj iqn qy sdw frwny rhIAY ]1] rhwau ] You should always be careful around those whom God has excluded from His devotional worship. ||1||Pause|| Awip n dyih curU Bir pwnI ] They do not offer even a handful of water, iqh inMdih ijh gMgw AwnI ]2] while they slander the one who brought forth the Ganges. ||2|| bYTq auTq kuitlqw cwlih ] Sitting down or standing up, their ways are crooked and evil. Awpu gey Aaurn hU Gwlih ]3] They ruin themselves, and then they ruin others. ||3|| Cwif kucrcw Awn n jwnih ] They know nothing except evil talk. bRhmw hU ko kihE n mwnih ]4] They would not even obey Brahma's orders. ||4|| Awpu gey Aaurn hU Kovih ] They themselves are lost, and they mislead others as well. Awig lgwie mMdr mY sovih ]5] They set their own temple on fire, and then they fall asleep within it. ||5|| Avrn hsq Awp hih kWny ] They laugh at others, while they themselves are one-eyed. iqn kau dyiK kbIr ljwny ]6]1]44] Seeing them, Kabeer is embarrassed. ||6||1||44|| |