har kay darsan ko man chaa-o
kydwrw mhlw 5 (1119-17)kaydaaraa mehlaa 5 Kaydaaraa, Fifth Mehl |
hir ky drsn ko min cwau ] kir ikrpw sqsMig imlwvhu qum dyvhu Apno nwau ] rhwau ] Please grant Your Grace, and unite me with the Society of the Saints; please bless me with Your Name. ||Pause|| krau syvw sq purK ipAwry jq sunIAY qq min rhswau ] I serve my True Beloved Lord. Wherever I hear His Praise, there my mind is in ecstasy. vwrI PyrI sdw GumweI kvnu AnUpu qyro Twau ]1] I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, forever devoted to You. Your place is incomparably beautiful! ||1|| srb pRiqpwlih sgl smwlih sgilAw qyrI Cwau ] You cherish and nurture all; You take care of all, and Your shade covers all. nwnk ky pRB purK ibDwqy Git Git quJih idKwau ]2]2]4] You are the Primal Creator, the God of Nanak; I behold You in each and every heart. ||2||2||4|| |