gaava-o gun keertan nit su-aamee kar kirpaa naanak deejai daan
iblwvlu mhlw 5 (827-6)bilaaval mehlaa 5 Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl |
hir ky crn jip jWau kurbwnu ] guru myrw pwrbRhm prmysuru qw kw ihrdY Dir mn iDAwnu ]1] rhwau ] My Guru is the Supreme Lord God, the Transcendent Lord; I enshrine Him within my heart, and meditate on Him within my mind. ||1||Pause|| ismir ismir ismir suKdwqw jw kw kIAw sgl jhwnu ] Meditate, meditate, meditate in remembrance on the Giver of peace, who created the whole Universe. rsnw rvhu eyku nwrwiexu swcI drgh pwvhu mwnu ]1] With your tongue, savor the One Lord, and you shall be honored in the Court of the True Lord. ||1|| swDU sMgu prwpiq jw kau iqn hI pwieAw eyhu inDwnu ] He alone obtains this treasure, who joins the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. gwvau gux kIrqnu inq suAwmI kir ikrpw nwnk dIjY dwnu ]2]29]115] O Lord and Master, mercifully bless Nanak with this gift, that he may ever sing the Glorious Praises of Your Kirtan. ||2||29||115|| |