raam mo ka-o har jan mayl man bhaavai
rwmklI mhlw 4 (881-7)raamkalee mehlaa 4 Raamkalee, Fourth Mehl |
hir ky sKw swD jn nIky iqn aUpir hwQu vqwvY ] gurmuiK swD syeI pRB Bwey kir ikrpw Awip imlwvY ]1] The Gurmukhs are the Holy Saints, pleasing to God; in His mercy, He blends them with Himself. ||1|| rwm mo kau hir jn myil min BwvY ] O Lord, my mind longs to meet with the humble servants of the Lord. Aimau Aimau hir rsu hY mITw imil sMq jnw muiK pwvY ]1] rhwau ] The sweet, subtle essence of the Lord is immortalizing ambrosia. Meeting the Saints, I drink it in. ||1||Pause|| hir ky log rwm jn aUqm imil aUqm pdvI pwvY ] The Lord's people are the most lofty and exalted. Meeting with them, the most exalted status is obtained. hm hovq cyrI dws dwsn kI myrw Twkuru KusI krwvY ]2] I am the slave of the slave of the Lord's slaves; my Lord and Master is pleased with me. ||2|| syvk jn syvih sy vfBwgI ird min qin pRIiq lgwvY ] The humble servant serves; one who enshrines love for the Lord in his heart, mind and body is very fortunate. ibnu pRIqI krih bhu bwqw kUVu boil kUVo Plu pwvY ]3] One who talks too much without love, speaks falsely, and obtains only false rewards. ||3|| mo kau Dwir ik®pw jgjIvn dwqy hir sMq pgI ly pwvY ] Take pity on me, O Lord of the World, O Great Giver; let me fall at the feet of the Saints. hau kwtau kwit bwiF isru rwKau ijqu nwnk sMqu ciV AwvY ]4]3] I would cut off my head, and cut it into pieces, O Nanak, and set it down for the Saints to walk upon. ||4||3|| |