kaysaa kaa kar beejnaa sant cha-ur dhulaava-o
sUhI mhlw 5 (745-12)soohee mehlaa 5 Soohee, Fifth Mehl |
hir kw sMqu prwn Dn iqs kw pinhwrw ] BweI mIq suq sgl qy jIA hUM qy ipAwrw ]1] rhwau ] He is dearer to me than all my siblings, friends and children. ||1||Pause|| kysw kw kir bIjnw sMq cauru Fulwvau ] I make my hair into a fan, and wave it over the Saint. sIsu inhwrau crx qil DUir muiK lwvau ]1] I bow my head low, to touch his feet, and apply his dust to my face. ||1|| imst bcn bynqI krau dIn kI inAweI ] I offer my prayer with sweet words, in sincere humility. qij AiBmwnu srxI prau hir gux iniD pweI ]2] Renouncing egotism, I enter His Sanctuary. I have found the Lord, the treasure of virtue. ||2|| Avlokn punh punh krau jn kw drswru ] I gaze upon the Blessed Vision of the Lord's humble servant, again and again. AMimRq bcn mn mih isMcau bMdau bwr bwr ]3] I cherish and gather in His Ambrosial Words within my mind; time and time again, I bow to Him. ||3|| icqvau min Awsw krau jn kw sMgu mwgau ] In my mind, I wish, hope and beg for the Society of the Lord's humble servants. nwnk kau pRB dieAw kir dws crxI lwgau ]4]2]42] Be Merciful to Nanak, O God, and lead him to the feet of Your slaves. ||4||2||42|| |