har kaa sant satgur sat purkhaa jo bolai har har baanee
DnwsrI mhlw 4 (667-8)Dhanaasree mehlaa 4 Dhanaasaree, Fourth Mehl |
hir kw sMqu sqguru sq purKw jo bolY hir hir bwnI ] jo jo khY suxY so mukqw hm iqs kY sd kurbwnI ]1] Whoever chants it, and listens to it, is liberated; I am forever a sacrifice to him. ||1|| hir ky sMq sunhu jsu kwnI ] O Saints of the Lord, listen to the Lord's Praises with your ears. hir hir kQw sunhu iek inmK pl siB iklivK pwp lih jwnI ]1] rhwau ] Listen to the sermon of the Lord, Har, Har, for a moment, for even an instant, and all your sins and mistakes shall be erased. ||1||Pause|| AYsw sMqu swDu ijn pwieAw qy vf purK vfwnI ] Those who find such humble, Holy Saints, are the greatest of the great persons. iqn kI DUir mMgh pRB suAwmI hm hir loc lucwnI ]2] I beg for the dust of their feet; I long for the longing for God, my Lord and Master. ||2|| hir hir sPilE ibrKu pRB suAwmI ijn jipE sy iqRpqwnI ] The Name of God, the Lord and Master, Har, Har, is the fruit-bearing tree; those who meditate on it are satisfied. hir hir AMimRqu pI iqRpqwsy sB lwQI BUK BuKwnI ]3] Drinking in the ambrosia of the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, I am satisfied; all my hunger and thirst is quenched. ||3|| ijn ky vfy Bwg vf aUcy iqn hir jipE jpwnI ] Those who are blessed with the highest, loftiest destiny, chant and meditate on the Lord. iqn hir sMgiq myil pRB suAwmI jn nwnk dws dswnI ]4]3] Let me join their congregation, O God, my Lord and Master; Nanak is the slave of their slaves. ||4||3|| |