har har naam niDhaan lai gurmat har pat paa-ay
mwrU mhlw 4 Gru 3 (996-2)maaroo mehlaa 4 ghar 3 Maaroo, Fourth Mehl, Third House |
hir hir nwmu inDwnu lY gurmiq hir piq pwie ] hliq pliq nwil cldw hir AMqy ley Cfwie ] Here and hereafter, the Lord goes with you; in the end, He shall deliver you. ijQY AvGt glIAw BIVIAw iqQY hir hir mukiq krwie ]1] Where the path is difficult and the street is narrow, there the Lord shall liberate you. ||1|| myry siqgurw mY hir hir nwmu idRVwie ] O my True Guru, implant within me the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. myrw mwq ipqw suq bMDpo mY hir ibnu Avru n mwie ]1] rhwau ] The Lord is my mother, father, child and relative; I have none other than the Lord, O my mother. ||1||Pause|| mY hir ibrhI hir nwmu hY koeI Awix imlwvY mwie ] I feel the pains of love and yearning for the Lord, and the Name of the Lord. If only someone would come and unite me with Him, O my mother. iqsu AwgY mY jodVI myrw pRIqmu dyie imlwie ] I bow in humble devotion to one who inspires me to meet with my Beloved. siqguru purKu dieAwl pRBu hir myly iFl n pwie ]2] The almighty and merciful True Guru unites me with the Lord God instantaneously. ||2|| ijn hir hir nwmu n cyiqE sy BwghIx mir jwie ] Those who do not remember the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, are most unfortunate, and are slaughtered. Eie iPir iPir join BvweIAih mir jMmih AwvY jwie ] They wander in reincarnation, again and again; they die, and are re-born, and continue coming and going. Eie jm dir bDy mwrIAih hir drgh imlY sjwie ]3] Bound and gagged at Death's Door, they are cruelly beaten, and punished in the Court of the Lord. ||3|| qU pRBu hm srxwgqI mo kau myil lYhu hir rwie ] O God, I seek Your Sanctuary; O my Sovereign Lord King, please unite me with Yourself. hir Dwir ik®pw jgjIvnw gur siqgur kI srxwie ] O Lord, Life of the World, please shower me with Your Mercy; grant me the Sanctuary of the Guru, the True Guru. hir jIau Awip dieAwlu hoie jn nwnk hir mylwie ]4]1]3] The Dear Lord, becoming merciful, has blended servant Nanak with Himself. ||4||1||3|| |