so har anDhulay kee laakree
rwgu goNf bwxI nwmdyau jIau kI Gru 2 (874-7)raag gond banee naamday-o jee-o kee ghar 2 Raag Gond, The Word Of Naam Dayv Jee, Second House |
hir hir krq imty siB Brmw ] hir ko nwmu lY aUqm Drmw ] Chanting the Name of the Lord is the highest religion. hir hir krq jwiq kul hrI ] Chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, erases social classes and ancestral pedigrees. so hir AMDuly kI lwkrI ]1] The Lord is the walking stick of the blind. ||1|| hrey nmsqy hrey nmh ] I bow to the Lord, I humbly bow to the Lord. hir hir krq nhI duKu jmh ]1] rhwau ] Chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, you will not be tormented by the Messenger of Death. ||1||Pause|| hir hrnwKs hry prwn ] The Lord took the life of Harnaakhash, AjYml kIE bYkuMTih Qwn ] and gave Ajaamal a place in heaven. sUAw pVwvq ginkw qrI ] Teaching a parrot to speak the Lord's Name, Ganika the prostitute was saved. so hir nYnhu kI pUqrI ]2] That Lord is the light of my eyes. ||2|| hir hir krq pUqnw qrI ] Chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, Pootna was saved, bwl GwqnI kptih BrI ] even though she was a deceitful child-killer. ismrn dRopd suq auDrI ] Contemplating the Lord, Dropadi was saved. gaUqm sqI islw insqrI ]3] Gautam's wife, turned to stone, was saved. ||3|| kysI kMs mQnu ijin kIAw ] The Lord, who killed Kaysee and Kans, jIA dwnu kwlI kau dIAw ] gave the gift of life to Kali. pRxvY nwmw AYso hrI ] Prays Naam Dayv, such is my Lord; jwsu jpq BY Apdw trI ]4]1]5] meditating on Him, fear and suffering are dispelled. ||4||1||5|| |