har saa meet naahee mai ko-ee
mwrU mhlw 1 (1027-15)maaroo mehlaa 1 Maaroo, First Mehl |
hir sw mIqu nwhI mY koeI ] ijin qnu mnu dIAw suriq smoeI ] He gave me body and mind, and infused consciousness into my being. srb jIAw pRiqpwil smwly so AMqir dwnw bInw hy ]1] He cherishes and cares for all beings; He is deep within, the wise, all-knowing Lord. ||1|| guru srvru hm hMs ipAwry ] The Guru is the sacred pool, and I am His beloved swan. swgr mih rqn lwl bhu swry ] In the ocean, there are so many jewels and rubies. moqI mwxk hIrw hir jsu gwvq mnu qnu BInw hy ]2] The Lord's Praises are pearls, gems and diamonds. Singing His Praises, my mind and body are drenched with His Love. ||2|| hir Agm Agwhu AgwiD inrwlw ] The Lord is inaccessible, inscrutable, unfathomable and unattached. hir AMqu n pweIAY gur gopwlw ] The Lord's limits cannot be found; the Guru is the Lord of the World. siqgur miq qwry qwrxhwrw myil ley rMig lInw hy ]3] Through the Teachings of the True Guru, the Lord carries us across to the other side. He unites in His Union those who are colored by His Love. ||3|| siqgur bwJhu mukiq iknyhI ] Without the True Guru, how can anyone be liberated? Ehu Awid jugwdI rwm snyhI ] He has been the Friend of the Lord, from the very beginning of time, and all throughout the ages. drgh mukiq kry kir ikrpw bKsy Avgux kInw hy ]4] By His Grace, He grants liberation in His Court; He forgives them for their sins. ||4|| siqguru dwqw mukiq krwey ] The True Guru, the Giver, grants liberation; siB rog gvwey AMimRq rsu pwey ] all diseases are eradicated, and one is blessed with the Ambrosial Nectar. jmu jwgwiq nwhI kru lwgY ijsu Agin buJI Tru sInw hy ]5] Death, the tax collector, does not impose any tax on one whose inner fire has been put out, whose heart is cool and tranquil. ||5|| kwieAw hMs pRIiq bhu DwrI ] The body has developed a great love for the soul-swan. Ehu jogI purKu Eh suMdir nwrI ] He is a Yogi, and she is a beautiful woman. Aihinis BogY coj ibnodI auiT clqY mqw n kInw hy ]6] Day and night, he enjoys her with delight, and then he arises and departs without consulting her. ||6|| isRsit aupwie rhy pRB CwjY ] Creating the Universe, God remains diffused throughout it. paux pwxI bYsMqru gwjY ] In the wind, water and fire, He vibrates and resounds. mnUAw folY dUq sMgiq imil so pwey jo ikCu kInw hy ]7] The mind wavers, keeping company with evil passions; one obtains the rewards of his own actions. ||7|| nwmu ivswir doK duK shIAY ] Forgetting the Naam, one suffers the misery of his evil ways. hukmu BieAw clxw ikau rhIAY ] When the order to depart is issued, how can he remain here? nrk kUp mih goqy KwvY ijau jl qy bwhir mInw hy ]8] He falls into the pit of hell, and suffers like a fish out of water. ||8|| caurwsIh nrk swkqu BogweIAY ] The faithless cynic has to endure 8.4 million hellish incarnations. jYsw kIcY qYso pweIAY ] As he acts, so does he suffer. siqgur bwJhu mukiq n hoeI ikriq bwDw gRis dInw hy ]9] Without the True Guru, there is no liberation. Bound and gagged by his own actions, he is helpless. ||9|| KMfy Dwr glI Aiq BIVI ] This path is very narrow, like the sharp edge of a sword. lyKw lIjY iql ijau pIVI ] When his account is read, he shall be crushed like the sesame seed in the mill. mwq ipqw klqR suq bylI nwhI ibnu hir rs mukiq n kInw hy ]10] Mother, father, spouse and child - none is anyone's friend in the end. Without the Lord's Love, no one is liberated. ||10|| mIq sKy kyqy jg mwhI ] You may have many friends and companions in the world, ibnu gur prmysr koeI nwhI ] but without the Guru, the Transcendent Lord Incarnate, there is no one at all. gur kI syvw mukiq prwieix Anidnu kIrqnu kInw hy ]11] Service to the Guru is the way to liberation. Night and day, sing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises. ||11|| kUVu Coif swcy kau Dwvhu ] Abandon falsehood, and pursue the Truth, jo ieChu soeI Plu pwvhu ] and you shall obtain the fruits of your desires. swc vKr ky vwpwrI ivrly lY lwhw saudw kInw hy ]12] Very few are those who trade in the merchandise of Truth. Those who deal in it, obtain the true profit. ||12|| hir hir nwmu vKru lY clhu ] Depart with the merchandise of the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, drsnu pwvhu shij mhlhu ] and you shall intuitively obtain the Blessed Vision of His Darshan, in the Mansion of His Presence. gurmuiK Koij lhih jn pUry ieau smdrsI cInw hy ]13] The Gurmukhs search for Him and find Him; they are the perfect humble beings. In this way, they see Him, who looks upon all alike. ||13|| pRB byAMq gurmiq ko pwvih ] God is endless; following the Guru's Teachings, some find Him. gur kY sbid mn kau smJwvih ] Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, they instruct their minds. siqgur kI bwxI siq siq kir mwnhu ieau Awqm rwmY lInw hy ]14] Accept as True, Perfectly True, the Word of the True Guru's Bani. In this way, you shall merge in the Lord, the Supreme Soul. ||14|| nwrd swrd syvk qyry ] Naarad and Saraswati are Your servants. iqRBvix syvk vfhu vfyry ] Your servants are the greatest of the great, throughout the three worlds. sB qyrI kudriq qU isir isir dwqw sBu qyro kwrxu kInw hy ]15] Your creative power permeates all; You are the Great Giver of all. You created the whole creation. ||15|| ieik dir syvih drdu v\wey ] Some serve at Your Door, and their sufferings are dispelled. Eie drgh pYDy siqgurU Cfwey ] They are robed with honor in the Court of the Lord, and emancipated by the True Guru. haumY bMDn siqguir qoVy icqu cMclu clix n dInw hy ]16] The True Guru breaks the bonds of egotism, and restrains the fickle consciousness. ||16|| siqgur imlhu cInhu ibiD sweI ] Meet the True Guru, and search for the way, ijqu pRBu pwvhu gxq n kweI ] by which you may find God, and not have to answer for your account. haumY mwir krhu gur syvw jn nwnk hir rMig BInw hy ]17]2]8] Subdue your egotism, and serve the Guru; O servant Nanak, you shall be drenched with the Lord's Love. ||17||2||8|| |