kar jorh naanak daan maaNgai dayh apnaa naa-o
mwlI gauVw mhlw 5 dupdy (987-18)maalee ga-urhaa mehlaa 5 dupday Maalee Gauraa, Fifth Mehl, Du-Padas |
hir smrQ kI srnw ] jIau ipMfu Dnu rwis myrI pRB eyk kwrn krnw ]1] rhwau ] My soul, body, wealth and capital belong to the One God, the Cause of causes. ||1||Pause|| ismir ismir sdw suKu pweIAY jIvxY kw mUlu ] Meditating, meditating in remembrance on Him, I have found everlasting peace. He is the source of life. riv rihAw srbq TweI sUKmo AsQUl ]1] He is all-pervading, permeating all places; He is in subtle essence and manifest form. ||1|| Awl jwl ibkwr qij siB hir gunw iniq gwau ] Abandon all your entanglements and corruption; sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord forever. kr joiV nwnku dwnu mWgY dyhu Apnw nwau ]2]1]6] With palms pressed together, Nanak begs for this blessing; please bless me with Your Name. ||2||1||6|| |