ham mailay tum oojal kartay ham nirgun too daataa
soriT mhlw 5 (613-10)sorath mehlaa 5 Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl |
hm mYly qum aUjl krqy hm inrgun qU dwqw ] hm mUrK qum cqur isAwxy qU srb klw kw igAwqw ]1] We are fools, and You are wise and all-knowing. You are the knower of all things. ||1|| mwDo hm AYsy qU AYsw ] O Lord, this is what we are, and this is what You are. hm pwpI qum pwp KMfn nIko Twkur dysw ] rhwau ] We are sinners, and You are the Destroyer of sins. Your abode is so beautiful, O Lord and Master. ||Pause|| qum sB swjy swij invwjy jIau ipMfu dy pRwnw ] You fashion all, and having fashioned them, You bless them. You bestow upon them soul, body and the breath of life. inrgunIAwry gunu nhI koeI qum dwnu dyhu imhrvwnw ]2] We are worthless - we have no virtue at all; please, bless us with Your gift, O Merciful Lordand Master. ||2|| qum krhu Blw hm Blo n jwnh qum sdw sdw dieAwlw ] You do good for us, but we do not see it as good; You are kind and compassionate, forever and ever. qum suKdweI purK ibDwqy qum rwKhu Apuny bwlw ]3] You are the Giver of peace, the Primal Lord, the Architect of Destiny; please, save us, Your children! ||3|| qum inDwn Atl suilqwn jIA jMq siB jwcY ] You are the treasure, eternal Lord King; all beings and creatures beg of You. khu nwnk hm iehY hvwlw rwKu sMqn kY pwCY ]4]6]17] Says Nanak, such is our condition; please, Lord, keep us on the Path of the Saints. ||4||6||17|| |