gur taar taaranhaari-aa

rwmklI mhlw 1 (878-1)
raamkalee mehlaa 1
Raamkalee, First Mehl

hm folq byVI pwp BrI hY pvxu lgY mqu jweI ]
ham dolat bayrhee paap bharee hai pavan lagai mat jaa-ee.
My boat is wobbly and unsteady; it is filled with sins. The wind is rising - what if it tips over?

snmuK isD Bytx kau Awey inhcau dyih vifAweI ]1]
sanmukh siDh bhaytan ka-o aa-ay nihcha-o deh vadi-aa-ee. ||1||
As sunmukh, I have turned to the Guru; O my Perfect Master; please be sure to bless me with Your glorious greatness. ||1||

gur qwir qwrxhwirAw ]
gur taar taaranhaari-aa.
O Guru, my Saving Grace, please carry me across the world-ocean.

dyih Bgiq pUrn AivnwsI hau quJ kau bilhwirAw ]1] rhwau ]
deh bhagat pooran avinaasee ha-o tujh ka-o balihaari-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Bless me with devotion to the perfect, imperishable Lord God; I am a sacrifice to You. ||1||Pause||

isD swiDk jogI Aru jMgm eyku isDu ijnI iDAwieAw ]
siDh saaDhik jogee ar jangam ayk siDh jinee Dhi-aa-i-aa.
He alone is a Siddha, a seeker, a Yogi, a wandering pilgrim, who meditates on the One Perfect Lord.

prsq pYr isJq qy suAwmI AKru ijn kau AwieAw ]2]
parsat pair sijhat tay su-aamee akhar jin ka-o aa-i-aa. ||2||
Touching the feet of the Lord Master, they are emancipated; they come to receive the Word of the Teachings. ||2||

jp qp sMjm krm n jwnw nwmu jpI pRB qyrw ]
jap tap sanjam karam na jaanaa naam japee parabh tayraa.
I know nothing of charity, meditation, self-discipline or religious rituals; I only chant Your Name, God.

guru prmysru nwnk ByitE swcY sbid inbyrw ]3]6]
gur parmaysar naanak bhayti-o saachai sabad nibayraa. ||3||6||
Nanak has met the Guru, the Transcendent Lord God; through the True Word of His Shabad, he is set free. ||3||6||