ham santan kee rayn pi-aaray ham santan kee sarnaa
soriT mhlw 5 (614-2)sorath mehlaa 5 Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl |
hm sMqn kI rynu ipAwry hm sMqn kI srxw ] sMq hmwrI Et sqwxI sMq hmwrw ghxw ]1] The Saints are my all-powerful Support; the Saints are my ornament and decoration. ||1|| hm sMqn isau bix AweI ] I am hand and glove with the Saints. pUrib iliKAw pweI ] I have realized my pre-ordained destiny. iehu mnu qyrw BweI ] rhwau ] This mind is yours, O Siblings of Destiny. ||Pause|| sMqn isau myrI lyvw dyvI sMqn isau ibauhwrw ] My dealings are with the Saints, and my business is with the Saints. sMqn isau hm lwhw KwitAw hir Bgiq Bry BMfwrw ]2] I have earned the profit with the Saints, and the treasure filled to over-flowing with devotion to the Lord. ||2|| sMqn mo kau pUMjI saupI qau auqirAw mn kw DoKw ] The Saints entrusted to me the capital, and my mind's delusion was dispelled. Drm rwie Ab khw krYgo jau PwitE sglo lyKw ]3] What can the Righteous Judge of Dharma do now? All my accounts have been torn up. ||3|| mhw An�d Bey suKu pwieAw sMqn kY prswdy ] I have found the greatest bliss, and I am at peace, by the Grace of the Saints. khu nwnk hir isau mnu mwinAw rMig rqy ibsmwdy ]4]8]19] Says Nanak, my mind is reconciled with the Lord; it is imbued with the wondrous Love of the Lord. ||4||8||19|| |