hath nigarahu kar kaa-i-aa chheejai
rwmklI mhlw 1 (905-4)raamkalee mehlaa 1 Raamkalee, First Mehl |
hTu ingRhu kir kwieAw CIjY ] vrqu qpnu kir mnu nhI BIjY ] The mind is not softened by fasting or austerities. rwm nwm sir Avru n pUjY ]1] Nothing else is equal to worship of the Lord's Name. ||1|| guru syiv mnw hir jn sMgu kIjY ] Serve the Guru, O mind, and associate with the humble servants of the Lord. jmu jMdwru joih nhI swkY srpin fis n skY hir kw rsu pIjY ]1] rhwau ] The tyrannical Messenger of Death cannot touch you, and the serpent of Maya cannot sting you, when you drink in the sublime essence of the Lord. ||1||Pause|| vwdu pVY rwgI jgu BIjY ] The world reads the arguments, and is softened only by music. qRY gux ibiKAw jnim mrIjY ] In the three modes and corruption, they are born and die. rwm nwm ibnu dUKu shIjY ]2] Without the Lord's Name, they endure suffering and pain. ||2|| cwVis pvnu isMGwsnu BIjY ] The Yogi draws the breath upwards, and opens the Tenth Gate. inaulI krm Ktu krm krIjY ] He practices inner cleansing and the six rituals of purification. rwm nwm ibnu ibrQw swsu lIjY ]3] But without the Lord's Name, the breath he draws is useless. ||3|| AMqir pMc Agin ikau DIrju DIjY ] The fire of the five passions burns within him; how can he be calm? AMqir coru ikau swdu lhIjY ] The thief is within him; how can he taste the taste? gurmuiK hoie kwieAw gVu lIjY ]4] One who becomes Gurmukh conquers the body-fortress. ||4|| AMqir mYlu qIrQ BrmIjY ] With filth within, he wanders around at places of pilgrimage. mnu nhI sUcw ikAw soc krIjY ] His mind is not pure, so what is the use of performing ritual cleansings? ikrqu pieAw dosu kw kau dIjY ]5] He carries the karma of his own past actions; who else can he blame? ||5|| AMnu n Kwih dyhI duKu dIjY ] He does not eat food; he tortures his body. ibnu gur igAwn iqRpiq nhI QIjY ] Without the Guru's wisdom, he is not satisfied. mnmuiK jnmY jnim mrIjY ]6] The self-willed manmukh is born only to die, and be born again. ||6|| siqgur pUiC sMgiq jn kIjY ] Go, and ask the True Guru, and associate with the Lord's humble servants. mnu hir rwcY nhI jnim mrIjY ] Your mind shall merge into the Lord, and you shall not be reincarnated to die again. rwm nwm ibnu ikAw krmu kIjY ]7] Without the Lord's Name, what can anyone do? ||7|| aUNdr dUMdr pwis DrIjY ] Silence the mouse scurrying around within you. Dur kI syvw rwmu rvIjY ] Serve the Primal Lord, by chanting the Lord's Name. nwnk nwmu imlY ikrpw pRB kIjY ]8]5] O Nanak, God blesses us with His Name, when He grants His Grace. ||8||5|| |