ha-o taa kai balihaaree
gauVI mhlw 5(207-14)
ga-orhee mehlaa 5 Gauree, Fifth Mehl |
hau qw kY bilhwrI ] I am a sacrifice to those jw kY kyvl nwmu ADwrI ]1] rhwau ] who take the Support of the Naam. ||1||Pause|| mihmw qw kI kyqk gnIAY jn pwrbRhm rMig rwqy ] How can I recount the praises of those humble beings who are attuned to the Love of the Supreme Lord God? sUK shj Awn�d iqnw sMig aun smsir Avr n dwqy ]1] Peace, intuitive poise and bliss are with them. There are no other givers equal to them. ||1|| jgq auDwrx syeI Awey jo jn drs ipAwsw ] They have come to save the world - those humble beings who thirst for His Blessed Vision. aun kI srix prY so qirAw sMqsMig pUrn Awsw ]2] Those who seek their Sanctuary are carried across; in the Society of the Saints, their hopes are fulfilled. ||2|| qw kY crix prau qw jIvw jn kY sMig inhwlw ] If I fall at their Feet, then I live; associating with those humble beings, I remain happy. Bgqn kI ryxu hoie mnu myrw hohu pRBU ikrpwlw ]3] O God, please be merciful to me, that my mind might become the dust of the feet of Your devotees. ||3|| rwju jobnu AvD jo dIsY sBu ikCu jug mih GwitAw ] Power and authority, youth and age - whatever is seen in this world, all of it shall fade away. nwmu inDwnu sd nvqnu inrmlu iehu nwnk hir Dnu KwitAw ]4]10]131] The treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is forever new and immaculate. Nanak has earned this wealth of the Lord. ||4||10||131|| |