ha-o an-din har naam keertan kara-o
rwgu AwswvrI Gru 16 ky 2 mhlw 4 suDMg(369-12)
raag aasaavaree ghar 16 kay 2 mehlaa 4 suDhang Raag Aasaavaree, 2 Of Sixteenth House, Fourth Mehl, Sudhang |
hau Anidnu hir nwmu kIrqnu krau ] Night and day, I sing the Kirtan, the Praises of the Name of the Lord. siqguir mo kau hir nwmu bqwieAw hau hir ibnu iKnu plu rih n skau ]1] rhwau ] The True Guru has revealed to me the Name of the Lord; without the Lord, I cannot live, for a moment, even an instant. ||1||Pause|| hmrY sRvxu ismrnu hir kIrqnu hau hir ibnu rih n skau hau ieku iKnu ] My ears hear the Lord's Kirtan, and I contemplate Him; without the Lord, I cannot live, even for an instant. jYsy hMsu srvr ibnu rih n skY qYsy hir jnu ikau rhY hir syvw ibnu ]1] As the swan cannot live without the lake, how can the Lord's slave live without serving Him? ||1|| iknhUM pRIiq lweI dUjw Bwau ird Dwir iknhUM pRIiq lweI moh Apmwn ] Some enshrine love for duality in their hearts, and some pledge love for worldly attachments and ego. hir jn pRIiq lweI hir inrbwx pd nwnk ismrq hir hir Bgvwn ]2]14]66] The Lord's servant embraces love for the Lord and the state of Nirvaanaa; Nanak contemplates the Lord, the Lord God. ||2||14||66|| |