man mayray sukh sahj saytee jap naa-o
sRIrwgu mhlw 5 (44-11)sareeraag mehlaa 5 Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl |
soeI iDAweIAY jIAVy isir swhW pwiqswhu ] Meditate on Him, O my soul; He is the Supreme Lord over kings and emperors. iqs hI kI kir Aws mn ijs kw sBsu vyswhu ] Place the hopes of your mind in the One, in whom all have faith. siB isAwxpw Cif kY gur kI crxI pwhu ]1] Give up all your clever tricks, and grasp the Feet of the Guru. ||1|| mn myry suK shj syqI jip nwau ] O my mind, chant the Name with intuitive peace and poise. AwT phr pRBu iDAwie qUM gux goieMd inq gwau ]1] rhwau ] Twenty-four hours a day, meditate on God. Constantly sing the Glories of the Lord of the Universe. ||1||Pause|| iqs kI srnI pru mnw ijsu jyvfu Avru n koie ] Seek His Shelter, O my mind; there is no other as Great as He. ijsu ismrq suKu hoie Gxw duKu drdu n mUly hoie ] Remembering Him in meditation, a profound peace is obtained. Pain and suffering will not touch you at all. sdw sdw kir cwkrI pRBu swihbu scw soie ]2] Forever and ever, work for God; He is our True Lord and Master. ||2|| swDsMgiq hoie inrmlw ktIAY jm kI Pws ] In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, you shall become absolutely pure, and the noose of death shall be cut away. suKdwqw BY BMjno iqsu AwgY kir Ardwis ] So offer your prayers to Him, the Giver of Peace, the Destroyer of fear. imhr kry ijsu imhrvwnu qW kwrju AwvY rwis ]3] Showing His Mercy, the Merciful Master shall resolve your affairs. ||3|| bhuqo bhuqu vKwxIAY aUco aUcw Qwau ] The Lord is said to be the Greatest of the Great; His Kingdom is the Highest of the High. vrnw ichnw bwhrw kImiq kih n skwau ] He has no color or mark; His Value cannot be estimated. nwnk kau pRB mieAw kir scu dyvhu Apuxw nwau ]4]7]77] Please show Mercy to Nanak, God, and bless him with Your True Name. ||4||7||77|| |