so-ee karaa-ay jo tuDh bhaavai
soriT mhlw 5 (626-17)sorath mehlaa 5 Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl |
soeI krwie jo quDu BwvY ] You make me do what pleases You. moih isAwxp kCU n AwvY ] I have no cleverness at all. hm bwirk qau srxweI ] I am just a child - I seek Your Protection. pRiB Awpy pYj rKweI ]1] God Himself preserves my honor. ||1|| myrw mwq ipqw hir rwieAw ] The Lord is my King; He is my mother and father. kir ikrpw pRiqpwlx lwgw kr^ØI qyrw krwieAw ] rhwau ] In Your Mercy, You cherish me; I do whatever You make me do. ||Pause|| jIA jMq qyry Dwry ] The beings and creatures are Your creation. pRB forI hwiQ qumwry ] O God, their reins are in Your hands. ij krwvY so krxw ] Whatever You cause us to do, we do. nwnk dws qyrI srxw ]2]7]71] Nanak, Your slave, seeks Your Protection. ||2||7||71|| |