sayvee satgur aapnaa har simree din sabh rain
kwnVw mhlw 5 (136-15)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5 Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl |
syvI siqguru Awpxw hir ismrI idn siB rYx ] I serve my True Guru, and meditate on Him all day and night. Awpu iqAwig srxI pvW muiK bolI imTVy vYx ] Renouncing selfishness and conceit, I seek His Sanctuary, and speak sweet words to Him. jnm jnm kw ivCuiVAw hir mylhu sjxu sYx ] Through countless lifetimes and incarnations, I was separated from Him. O Lord, you are my Friend and Companion-please unite me with Yourself. jo jIA hir qy ivCuVy sy suiK n vsin BYx ] Those who are separated from the Lord do not dwell in peace, O sister. hir ipr ibnu cYnu n pweIAY Koij ifTy siB gYx ] Without their Husband Lord, they find no comfort. I have searched and seen all realms. Awp kmwxY ivCuVI dosu n kwhU dyx ] My own evil actions have kept me separate from Him; why should I accuse anyone else? kir ikrpw pRB rwiK lyhu horu nwhI krx kryx ] Bestow Your Mercy, God, and save me! No one else can bestow Your Mercy. hir quDu ivxu KwkU rUlxw khIAY ikQY vYx ] Without You, Lord, we roll around in the dust. Unto whom should we utter our cries of distress? nwnk kI byn�qIAw hir surjnu dyKw nYx ]1] This is Nanak's prayer: "May my eyes behold the Lord, the Angelic Being."||1|| jIA kI ibrQw so suxy hir sMimRQ purKu Apwru ] The Lord hears the anguish of the soul; He is the All-powerful and Infinite Primal Being. mrix jIvix AwrwDxw sBnw kw AwDwru ] In death and in life, worship and adore the Lord, the Support of all. ssurY pyeIAY iqsu kMq kI vfw ijsu prvwru ] In this world and in the next, the soul-bride belongs to her Husband Lord, who has such a vast family. aUcw Agm AgwiD boD ikCu AMqu n pwrwvwru ] He is Lofty and Inaccessible. His Wisdom is Unfathomable. syvw sw iqsu BwvsI sMqw kI hoie Cwru ] He has no end or limitation. That service is pleasing to Him, which makes one humble, like the dust of the feet of the Saints. dInw nwQ dYAwl dyv piqq auDwrxhwru ] He is the Patron of the poor, the Merciful, Luminous Lord, the Redeemer of sinners. Awid jugwdI rKdw scu nwmu krqwru ] From the very beginning, and throughout the ages, the True Name of the Creator has been our Saving Grace. kImiq koie n jwxeI ko nwhI qolxhwru ] No one can know His Value; no one can weigh it. mn qn AMqir vis rhy nwnk nhI sumwru ] He dwells deep within the mind and body. O Nanak, He cannot be measured. idnu rYix ij pRB kMau syvdy iqn kY sd bilhwr ]2] I am forever a sacrifice to those who serve God, day and night. ||2|| sMq ArwDin sd sdw sBnw kw bKisMdu ] The Saints worship and adore Him forever and ever; He is the Forgiver of all. jIau ipMfu ijin swijAw kir ikrpw idqInu ijMdu ] He fashioned the soul and the body, and by His Kindness, He bestowed the soul. gur sbdI AwrwDIAY jpIAY inrml mMqu ] Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, worship and adore Him, and chant His Pure Mantra. kImiq khxu n jweIAY prmysuru byAMqu ] His Value cannot be evaluated. The Transcendent Lord is endless. ijsu min vsY nrwiexo so khIAY BgvMqu ] That one, within whose mind the Lord abides, is said to be most fortunate. jIA kI locw pUrIAY imlY suAwmI kMqu ] The soul's desires are fulfilled, upon meeting the Master, our Husband Lord. nwnku jIvY jip hrI doK sBy hI hMqu ] Nanak lives by chanting the Lord's Name; all sorrows have been erased. idnu rYix ijsu n ivsrY so hirAw hovY jMqu ]3] One who does not forget Him, day and night, is continually rejuvenated. ||3|| srb klw pRB pUrxo mM\u inmwxI Qwau ] God is overflowing with all powers. I have no honor-He is my resting place. hir Et ghI mn AMdry jip jip jIvW nwau ] I have grasped the Support of the Lord within my mind; I live by chanting and meditating on His Name. kir ikrpw pRB AwpxI jn DUVI sMig smwau ] Grant Your Grace, God, and bless me, that I may merge into the dust of the feet of the humble. ijau qUM rwKih iqau rhw qyrw idqw pYnw Kwau ] As You keep me, so do I live. I wear and eat whatever You give me. audmu soeI krwie pRB imil swDU gux gwau ] May I make the effort, O God, to sing Your Glorious Praises in the Company of the Holy. dUjI jwie n suJeI ikQY kUkx jwau ] I can conceive of no other place; where could I go to lodge a complaint? AigAwn ibnwsn qm hrx aUcy Agm Amwau ] You are the Dispeller of ignorance, the Destroyer of darkness, O Lofty, Unfathomable and Unapproachable Lord. mnu ivCuiVAw hir mylIAY nwnk eyhu suAwau ] Please unite this separated one with Yourself; this is Nanak's yearning. srb kilAwxw iqqu idin hir prsI gur ky pwau ]4]1] That day shall bring every joy, O Lord, when I take to the Feet of the Guru. ||4||1|| |