say sanjog karahu mayray pi-aaray
sUhI mhlw 5 3743-13)soohee mehlaa 5 Soohee, Fifth Mehl |
sy sMjog krhu myry ipAwry ] May there be such an auspicious time, O my Beloved, ijqu rsnw hir nwmu aucwry ]1] when, with my tongue, I may chant the Lord's Name||1|| suix bynqI pRB dIn dieAwlw ] Hear my prayer, O God, O Merciful to the meek. swD gwvih gux sdw rswlw ]1] rhwau ] The Holy Saints ever sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, the Source of Nectar. ||1||Pause|| jIvn rUpu ismrxu pRB qyrw ] Your meditation and remembrance is life-giving, God. ijsu ik®pw krih bsih iqsu nyrw ]2] You dwell near those upon whom You show mercy. ||2|| jn kI BUK qyrw nwmu Ahwru ] Your Name is the food to satisfy the hunger of Your humble servants. qUM dwqw pRB dyvxhwru ]3] You are the Great Giver, O Lord God. ||3|| rwm rmq sMqn suKu mwnw ] The Saints take pleasure in repeating the Lord's Name. nwnk dyvnhwr sujwnw ]4]26]32] O Nanak, the Lord, the Great Giver, is All-knowing. ||4||26||32|| |