kaatay kasat pooray gurdayv
gauVI mhlw 5 (191-8)ga-orhee mehlaa 5 Gauree, Fifth Mehl |
sUky hry kIey iKn mwhy ] The dried branches are made green again in an instant. AMimRq idRsit sMic jIvwey ]1] His Ambrosial Glance irrigates and revives them. ||1|| kwty kst pUry gurdyv ] The Perfect Divine Guru has removed my sorrow. syvk kau dInI ApunI syv ]1] rhwau ] He blesses His servant with His service. ||1||Pause|| imit geI icMq punI mn Awsw ] Anxiety is removed, and the desires of the mind are fulfilled, krI dieAw siqguir guxqwsw ]2] when the True Guru, the Treasure of Excellence, shows His Kindness. ||2|| duK nwTy suK Awie smwey ] Pain is driven far away, and peace comes in its place; FIl n prI jw guir Purmwey ]3] there is no delay, when the Guru gives the Order. ||3|| ieC punI pUry gur imly ] Desires are fulfilled, when one meets the True Guru; nwnk qy jn suPl Ply ]4]58]127] O Nanak, His humble servant is fruitful and prosperous. ||4||58||127|| |