mayray raajan mai bairaagee jogee
gauVI kbIr jIau (pMnw 334-16)ga-orhee kabeer jee-o Gauree, Kabeer Jee |
suriq isimRiq duie kMnI muMdw primiq bwhir iKMQw ] Let contemplation and intuitive meditation be your two ear-rings, and true wisdom your patched overcoat. suMn guPw mih Awsxu bYsxu klp ibbrijq pMQw ]1] In the cave of silence, dwell in your Yogic posture; let the subjugation of desire be your spiritual path. ||1|| myry rwjn mY bYrwgI jogI ] O my King, I am a Yogi, a hermit, a renunciate. mrq n sog ibEgI ]1] rhwau ] I do not die or suffer pain or separation. ||1||Pause|| KMf bRhmMf mih isM|I myrw btUAw sBu jgu BsmwDwrI ] The solar systems and galaxies are my horn; the whole world is the bag to carry my ashes. qwVI lwgI iqRplu pltIAY CUtY hoie pswrI ]2] Eliminating the three qualities and finding release from this world is my deep meditation. ||2|| mnu pvnu duie qUMbw krI hY jug jug swrd swjI ] My mind and breath are the two gourds of my fiddle, and the Lord of all the ages is its frame. iQru BeI qMqI qUtis nwhI Anhd ikMgurI bwjI ]3] The string has become steady, and it does not break; this guitar vibrates with the unstruck melody. ||3|| suin mn mgn Bey hY pUry mwieAw fol n lwgI ] Hearing it, the mind is enraptured and becomes perfect; it does not waver, and it is not affected by Maya. khu kbIr qw kau punrip jnmu nhI Kyil gieE bYrwgI ]4]2]53] Says Kabeer, the bairaagee, the renunciate, who has played such a game, is not reincarnated again into the world of form and substance. ||4||2||53|| |