sunhu banantee-aa su-aamee mayray raam
ibhwgVw mhlw 5 CMq (547-5)bihaagarhaa mehlaa 5 chhant Bihaagraa, Fifth Mehl, Chhant |
sunhu byn�qIAw suAwmI myry rwm ] Listen to my prayer, O my Lord and Master. koit ApRwD Bry BI qyry cyry rwm ] I am filled with millions of sins, but still, I am Your slave. duK hrn ikrpw krn mohn kil klysh BMjnw ] O Destroyer of pain, Bestower of Mercy, Fascinating Lord, Destroyer of sorrow and strife, srin qyrI riK lyhu myrI srb mY inrMjnw ] I have come to Your Sanctuary; please preserve my honor. You are all-pervading, O Immaculate Lord. sunq pyKq sMig sB kY pRB nyrhU qy nyry ] He hears and beholds all; God is with us, the nearest of the near. Ardwis nwnk suin suAwmI riK lyhu Gr ky cyry ]1] O Lord and Master, hear Nanak's prayer; please save the servants of Your household. ||1|| qU smrQu sdw hm dIn ByKwrI rwm ] You are eternal and all-powerful; I am a mere beggar, Lord. mwieAw moih mgnu kiF lyhu murwrI rwm ] I am intoxicated with the love of Maya - save me, Lord! loiB moih ibkwir bwiDE Aink doK kmwvny ] Bound down by greed, emotional attachment and corruption, I have made so many mistakes. Ailpq bMDn rhq krqw kIAw Apnw pwvny ] The creator is both attached and detached from entanglements; one obtains the fruits of his own actions. kir AnugRhu piqq pwvn bhu join BRmqy hwrI ] Show kindness to me, O Purifier of sinners; I am so tired of wandering through reincarnation. ibnvMiq nwnk dwsu hir kw pRB jIA pRwn ADwrI ]2] Prays Nanak, I am the slave of the Lord; God is the Support of my soul, and my breath of life. ||2|| qU smrQu vfw myrI miq QorI rwm ] You are great and all-powerful; my understanding is so inadequate, O Lord. pwlih AikrqGnw pUrn idRsit qyrI rwm ] You cherish even the ungrateful ones; Your Glance of Grace is perfect, Lord. AgwiD boiD Apwr krqy moih nIcu kCU n jwnw ] Your wisdom is unfathomable, O Infinite Creator. I am lowly, and I know nothing. rqnu iqAwig sMgRhn kaufI psU nIcu ieAwnw ] Forsaking the jewel, I have saved the shell; I am a lowly, ignorant beast. iqAwig clqI mhw cMcil doK kir kir jorI ] I have kept that which forsakes me, and is very fickle, continually committing sins, again and again. nwnk srin smrQ suAwmI pYj rwKhu morI ]3] Nanak seeks Your Sanctuary, Almighty Lord and Master; please, preserve my honor. ||3|| |