layho aartee ho purakh niranjan satgur poojahu bhaa-ee
pRBwqI kbIr jIau(1350-11)
parbhaatee kabeer jee-o Prabhaatee Kabeer Jee |
suMn sMiDAw qyrI dyv dyvwkr ADpiq Awid smweI ] Hear my prayer, Lord; You are the Divine Light of the Divine, the Primal, All-pervading Master. isD smwiD AMqu nhI pwieAw lwig rhy srnweI ]1] The Siddhas in Samaadhi have not found Your limits. They hold tight to the Protection of Your Sanctuary. ||1|| lyhu AwrqI ho purK inrMjn siqgur pUjhu BweI ] Worship and adoration of the Pure, Primal Lord comes by worshipping the True Guru, O Siblings of Destiny. TwFw bRhmw ingm bIcwrY AlKu n liKAw jweI ]1] rhwau ] Standing at His Door, Brahma studies the Vedas, but he cannot see the Unseen Lord. ||1||Pause|| qqu qylu nwmu kIAw bwqI dIpku dyh auj´wrw ] With the oil of knowledge about the essence of reality, and the wick of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, this lamp illluminates my body. joiq lwie jgdIs jgwieAw bUJY bUJnhwrw ]2] I have applied the Light of the Lord of the Universe, and lit this lamp. God the Knower knows. ||2|| pMcy sbd Anwhd bwjy sMgy swirMgpwnI ] The Unstruck Melody of the Panch Shabad, the Five Primal Sounds, vibrates and resounds. I dwell with the Lord of the World. kbIr dws qyrI AwrqI kInI inrMkwr inrbwnI ]3]5] Kabeer, Your slave, performs this Aartee, this lamp-lit worship service for You, O Formless Lord of Nirvaanaa. ||3||5|| |