naam kahat govind kaa soochee bha-ee rasnaa
iblwvlu mhlw 5 (811-9)bilaaval mehlaa 5 Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl |
swDsMgiq kY bwsbY klml siB nsnw ] Dwelling in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, all sins are erased. pRB syqI rMig rwiqAw qw qy griB n gRsnw ]1] One who is attuned to the Love of God, is not cast into the womb of reincarnation. ||1|| nwmu khq goivMd kw sUcI BeI rsnw ] Chanting the Name of the Lord of the Universe, the tongue becomes holy. mn qn inrml hoeI hY gur kw jpu jpnw ]1] rhwau ] The mind and body become immaculate and pure, chanting the Chant of the Guru. ||1||Pause|| hir rsu cwKq DRwipAw min rsu lY hsnw ] Tasting the subtle essence of the Lord, one is satisfied; receiving this essence, the mind becomes happy. buiD pRgws pRgt BeI aulit kmlu ibgsnw ]2] The intellect is brightened and illuminated; turning away from the world, the heart-lotus blossoms forth. ||2|| sIql sWiq sMqoKu hoie sB bUJI iqRsnw ] He is cooled and soothed, peaceful and content; all his thirst is quenched. dh ids Dwvq imit gey inrml Qwin bsnw ]3] The mind's wandering in the ten directions is stopped, and one dwells in the immaculate place. ||3|| rwKnhwrY rwiKAw Bey BRm Bsnw ] The Savior Lord saves him, and his doubts are burnt to ashes. nwmu inDwn nwnk suKI pyiK swD drsnw ]4]13]43] Nanak is blessed with the treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. He finds peace, gazing upon the Blessed Vision of the Saints' Darshan. ||4||13||43|| |