saahib tay sayvak sayv saahib tay ki-aa ko kahai bahaanaa
iblwvlu mhlw 3 (797-9)bilaaval mehlaa 3 Bilaaval, Third Mehl |
swihb qy syvku syv swihb qy ikAw ko khY bhwnw ] My Lord and Master has made me His servant, and blessed me with His service; how can anyone argue about this? AYsw ieku qyrw Kylu binAw hY sB mih eyku smwnw ]1] Such is Your play, One and Only Lord; You are the One, contained among all. ||1|| siqguir prcY hir nwim smwnw ] ijsu krmu hovY so siqguru pwey Anidnu lwgY shj iDAwnw ]1] rhwau ]satgur parchai har naam samaanaa. jis karam hovai so satgur paa-ay an-din laagai sahj Dhi-aanaa. ||1|| rahaa-o. When the True Guru is pleased and appeased, one is absorbed in the Lord's Name. One who is blessed by the Lord's Mercy, finds the True Guru; night and day, he automatically remains focused on the Lord's meditation. ||1||Pause|| ikAw koeI qyrI syvw kry ikAw ko kry AiBmwnw ] How can I serve You? How can I be proud of this? jb ApunI joiq iKMcih qU suAwmI qb koeI krau idKw viKAwnw ]2] When You withdraw Your Light, O Lord and Master, then who can speak and teach? ||2|| Awpy guru cylw hY Awpy Awpy guxI inDwnw ] You Yourself are the Guru, and You Yourself are the chaylaa, the humble disciple; You Yourself are the treasure of virtue. ijau Awip clwey iqvY koeI cwlY ijau hir BwvY Bgvwnw ]3] As You cause us to move, so do we move, according to the Pleasure of Your Will, O Lord God. ||3|| khq nwnku qU swcw swihbu kauxu jwxY qyry kwmW ] Says Nanak, You are the True Lord and Master; who can know Your actions? ieknw Gr mih dy vifAweI ieik Brim Bvih AiBmwnw ]4]3] Some are blessed with glory in their own homes, while others wander in doubt and pride. ||4||3|| |