ham vanjaaray raam kay

gauVI bYrwgix mhlw 4(165-12)
ga-orhee bairaagan mehlaa 4
Gauree Bairaagan, Fourth Mehl

swhu hmwrw qUM DxI jYsI qUM rwis dyih qYsI hm lyih ]
saahu hamaaraa tooN Dhanee jaisee tooN raas deh taisee ham layhi.
O Master, You are my Banker. I receive only that capital which You give me.

hir nwmu vxMjh rMg isau jy Awip dieAwlu hoie dyih ]1]
har naam vannjah rang si-o jay aap da-i-aal ho-ay deh. ||1||
I would purchase the Lord's Name with love, if You Yourself, in Your Mercy, would sell it to me. ||1||

hm vxjwry rwm ky ]
ham vanjaaray raam kay.
I am the merchant, the peddler of the Lord.

hir vxju krwvY dy rwis ry ]1] rhwau ]
har vanaj karaavai day raas ray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I trade in the merchandise and capital of the Lord's Name. ||1||Pause||

lwhw hir Bgiq Dnu KitAw hir scy swh min BwieAw ]
laahaa har bhagat Dhan khati-aa har sachay saah man bhaa-i-aa.
I have earned the profit, the wealth of devotional worship of the Lord. I have become pleasing to the Mind of the Lord, the True Banker.

hir jip hir vKru lidAw jmu jwgwqI nyiV n AwieAw ]2]
har jap har vakhar ladi-aa jam jaagaatee nayrh na aa-i-aa. ||2||
I chant and meditate on the Lord, loading the merchandise of the Lord's Name. The Messenger of Death, the tax collector, does not even approach me. ||2||

horu vxju krih vwpwrIey An�q qrMgI duKu mwieAw ]
hor vanaj karahi vaapaaree-ay anant tarangee dukh maa-i-aa.
Those traders who trade in other merchandise, are caught up in the endless waves of the pain of Maya.

Eie jyhY vxij hir lwieAw Plu qyhw iqn pwieAw ]3]
o-ay jayhai vanaj har laa-i-aa fal tayhaa tin paa-i-aa. ||3||
According to the business in which the Lord has placed them, so are the rewards they obtain. ||3||

hir hir vxju so jnu kry ijsu ik®pwlu hoie pRBu dyeI ]
har har vanaj so jan karay jis kirpaal ho-ay parabh day-ee.
People trade in the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, when the God shows His Mercy and bestows it.

jn nwnk swhu hir syivAw iPir lyKw mUil n lyeI ]4]1]7]45]
jan naanak saahu har sayvi-aa fir laykhaa mool na lay-ee. ||4||1||7||45||
Servant Nanak serves the Lord, the Banker; he shall never again be called to render his account. ||4||1||7||45||