mayree mat ba-uree mai raam bisaari-o kin biDh rahan raha-o ray

Awsw kbIr jIau(482-6)
aasaa kabeer jee-o
Aasaa Kabeer Jee-o

swsu kI duKI ssur kI ipAwrI jyT ky nwim frau ry ]
saas kee dukhee sasur kee pi-aaree jayth kay naam dara-o ray.
I am bothered by my mother-in-law, Maya, and loved by my father-in-law, the Lord. I fear even the name of my husband's elder brother, Death.

sKI shylI nnd ghylI dyvr kY ibrih jrau ry ]1]
sakhee sahaylee nanad gahaylee dayvar kai bireh jara-o ray. ||1||
O my mates and companions, my husband's sister, misunderstanding has seized me, and I am burning with the pain of separation from my husband's younger brother, divine knowledge. ||1||

myrI miq baurI mY rwmu ibswirE ikn ibiD rhin rhau ry ]
mayree mat ba-uree mai raam bisaari-o kin biDh rahan raha-o ray.
My mind has gone insane, since I forgot the Lord. How can I lead a virtuous lifestyle?

syjY rmqu nYn nhI pyKau iehu duKu kw sau khau ry ]1] rhwau ]
sayjai ramat nain nahee paykha-o ih dukh kaa sa-o kaha-o ray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He rests in the bed of my mind, but I cannot see Him with my eyes. Unto whom should I tell my sufferings? ||1||Pause||

bwpu swvkw krY lrweI mwieAw sd mqvwrI ]
baap saavkaa karai laraa-ee maa-i-aa sad matvaaree.
My step-father, egotism, fights with me, and my mother, desire, is always intoxicated.

bfy BweI kY jb sMig hoqI qb hau nwh ipAwrI ]2]
baday bhaa-ee kai jab sang hotee tab ha-o naah pi-aaree. ||2||
When I stayed with my elder brother, meditation, then I was loved by my Husband Lord. ||2||

khq kbIr pMc ko Jgrw Jgrq jnmu gvwieAw ]
kahat kabeer panch ko jhagraa jhagrat janam gavaa-i-aa.
Says Kabeer, the five passions argue with me, and in these arguments, my life is wasting away.

JUTI mwieAw sBu jgu bwiDAw mY rwm rmq suKu pwieAw ]3]3]25]
jhoothee maa-i-aa sabh jag baaDhi-aa mai raam ramat sukh paa-i-aa. ||3||3||25||
The false Maya has bound the whole world, but I have obtained peace, chanting the Name of the Lord. ||3||3||25||