aisee kinguree vajaa-ay jogee
rwmklI mhlw 3 AstpdIAw (908-11)raamkalee mehlaa 3 asatpadee-aa Raamkalee, Third Mehl, Ashtapadees |
srmY dIAw muMdRw kMnI pwie jogI iKMQw kir qU dieAw ] Make humility your ear-rings, Yogi, and compassion your patched coat. Awvxu jwxu ibBUiq lwie jogI qw qIin Bvx ijix lieAw ]1] Let coming and going be the ashes you apply to your body, Yogi, and then you shall conquer the three worlds. ||1|| AYsI ikMgurI vjwie jogI ] Play that harp, Yogi, ijqu ikMgurI Anhdu vwjY hir isau rhY ilv lwie ]1] rhwau ] which vibrates the unstruck sound current, and remain lovingly absorbed in the Lord. ||1||Pause|| squ sMqoKu pqu kir JolI jogI AMimRq nwmu Bugiq pweI ] Make truth and contentment your plate and pouch, Yogi; take the Ambrosial Naam as your food. iDAwn kw kir fMfw jogI isM|I suriq vjweI ]2] Make meditation your walking stick, Yogi, and make higher consciousness the horn you blow. ||2|| mnu idRVu kir Awsix bYsu jogI qw qyrI klpxw jweI ] Make your stable mind the Yogic posture you sit in, Yogi, and then you shall be rid of your tormenting desires. kwieAw ngrI mih mMgix cVih jogI qw nwmu plY pweI ]3] Go begging in the village of the body, Yogi, and then, you shall obtain the Naam in your lap. ||3|| iequ ikMgurI iDAwnu n lwgY jogI nw scu plY pwie ] This harp does not center you in meditation, Yogi, nor does it bring the True Name into your lap. iequ ikMgurI sWiq n AwvY jogI AiBmwnu n ivchu jwie ]4] This harp does not bring you peace, Yogi, nor eliminate egotism from within you. ||4|| Bau Bwau duie pq lwie jogI iehu srIru kir fMfI ] Make the Fear of God, and the Love of God, the two gourds of your lute, Yogi, and make this body its neck. gurmuiK hovih qw qMqI vwjY ien ibiD iqRsnw KMfI ]5] Become Gurmukh, and then vibrate the strings; in this way, your desires shall depart. ||5|| hukmu buJY so jogI khIAY eyks isau icqu lwey ] One who understands the Hukam of the Lord's Command is called a Yogi; he links his consciousness to the One Lord. shsw qUtY inrmlu hovY jog jugiq iev pwey ]6] His cynicism is dispelled, and he becomes immaculately pure; this is how he finds the Way of Yoga. ||6|| ndrI Awvdw sBu ikCu ibnsY hir syqI icqu lwie ] Everything that comes into view shall be destroyed; focus your consciousness on the Lord. siqgur nwil qyrI BwvnI lwgY qw ieh soJI pwie ]7] Enshrine love for the True Guru, and then you shall obtain this understanding. ||7|| eyhu jogu n hovY jogI ij kutMbu Coif prBvxu krih ] This is not Yoga, O Yogi, to abandon your family and wander around. igRh srIr mih hir hir nwmu gur prswdI Apxw hir pRBu lhih ]8] The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is within the household of the body. By Guru's Grace, you shall find your Lord God. ||8|| iehu jgqu imtI kw puqlw jogI iesu mih rogu vfw iqRsnw mwieAw ] This world is a puppet of clay, Yogi; the terrible disease, the desire for Maya is in it. Anyk jqn ByK kry jogI rogu n jwie gvwieAw ]9] Making all sorts of efforts, and wearing religious robes, Yogi, this disease cannot be cured. ||9|| hir kw nwmu AauKDu hY jogI ijs no mMin vswey ] The Name of the Lord is the medicine, Yogi; the Lord enshrines it in the mind. gurmuiK hovY soeI bUJY jog jugiq so pwey ]10] One who becomes Gurmukh understands this; he alone finds the Way of Yoga. ||10|| jogY kw mwrgu ibKmu hY jogI ijs no ndir kry so pwey ] The Path of Yoga is very difficult, Yogi; he alone finds it, whom God blesses with His Grace. AMqir bwhir eyko vyKY ivchu Brmu cukwey ]11] Inside and outside, he sees the One Lord; he eliminates doubt from within himself. ||11|| ivxu vjweI ikMgurI vwjY jogI sw ikMgurI vjwie ] So play the harp which vibrates without being played, Yogi. khY nwnku mukiq hovih jogI swcy rhih smwie ]12]1]10] Says Nanak, thus you shall be liberated, Yogi, and remain merged in the True Lord. ||12||1||10|| |