man mayray kartay no saalaahi
isrIrwgu mhlw 5 (43-15)sireeraag mehlaa 5 Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl |
sBy glw ivsrnu ieko ivsir n jwau ] Let me forget everything, but let me not forget the One Lord. DMDw sBu jlwie kY guir nwmu dIAw scu suAwau ] All my evil pursuits have been burnt away; the Guru has blessed me with the Naam, the true object of life. Awsw sBy lwih kY iekw Aws kmwau ] Give up all other hopes, and rely on the One Hope. ijnI siqguru syivAw iqn AgY imilAw Qwau ]1] Those who serve the True Guru receive a place in the world hereafter. ||1|| mn myry krqy no swlwih ] O my mind, praise the Creator. sBy Cif isAwxpw gur kI pYrI pwih ]1] rhwau ] Give up all your clever tricks, and fall at the Feet of the Guru. ||1||Pause|| duK BuK nh ivAwpeI jy suKdwqw min hoie ] Pain and hunger shall not oppress you, if the Giver of Peace comes into your mind. ikq hI kMim n iCjIAY jw ihrdY scw soie ] No undertaking shall fail, when the True Lord is always in your heart. ijsu qUM rKih hQ dy iqsu mwir n skY koie ] No one can kill that one unto whom You, Lord, give Your Hand and protect. suKdwqw guru syvIAY siB Avgx kFY Doie ]2] Serve the Guru, the Giver of Peace; He shall remove and wash off all your faults. ||2|| syvw mMgY syvko lweIAW ApunI syv ] Your servant begs to serve those who are enjoined to Your service. swDU sMgu mskqy qUTY pwvw dyv ] The opportunity to work hard serving the Saadh Sangat is obtained, when the Divine Lord is pleased. sBu ikCu vsgiq swihbY Awpy krx kryv ] Everything is in the Hands of our Lord and Master; He Himself is the Doer of deeds. siqgur kY bilhwrxY mnsw sB pUryv ]3] I am a sacrifice to the True Guru, who fulfills all hopes and desires. ||3|| ieko idsY sjxo ieko BweI mIqu ] The One appears to be my Companion; the One is my Brother and Friend. ieksY dI swmgrI ieksY dI hY rIiq ] The elements and the components are all made by the One; they are held in their order by the One. ieks isau mnu mwinAw qw hoAw inhclu cIqu ] When the mind accepts, and is satisfied with the One, then the consciousness becomes steady and stable. scu Kwxw scu pYnxw tyk nwnk scu kIqu ]4]5]75] Then, one's food is the True Name, one's garments are the True Name, and one's Support, O Nanak, is the True Name. ||4||5||75|| |