satgur sayv sarab fal paa-ay
BYrau mhlw 5 (1138-6)bhairo mehlaa 5 Bhairao, Fifth Mehl |
siqguru syiv srb Pl pwey ] Serving the True Guru, all fruits and rewards are obtained. jnm jnm kI mYlu imtwey ]1] The filth of so many lifetimes is washed away. ||1|| piqq pwvn pRB qyro nwau ] Your Name, God, is the Purifier of sinners. pUrib krm ilKy gux gwau ]1] rhwau ] Because of the karma of my past deeds, I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||1||Pause|| swDU sMig hovY auDwru ] In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I am saved. soBw pwvY pRB kY duAwr ]2] I am blessed with honor in God's Court. ||2|| srb kilAwx crx pRB syvw ] Serving at God's Feet, all comforts are obtained. DUir bwCih siB suir nr dyvw ]3] All the angels and demi-gods long for the dust of the feet of such beings. ||3|| nwnk pwieAw nwm inDwnu ] Nanak has obtained the treasure of the Naam. hir jip jip auDirAw sgl jhwnu ]4]12] Chanting and meditating on the Lord, the whole world is saved. ||4||12|| |